W.A.S.P. FAQ Like A Beast

W.A.S.P. FAQ Like A Beast

As always, this page is under construction. Any input is appreciated

Last Updated March 9, 1997

  • Who the hell are W.A.S.P.?
  • Who are/were the members of W.A.S.P.?
  • What does W.A.S.P. stand for?
  • What was that about the Ku Klux Klan? Are W.A.S.P. some neo-fascist racist pigs?
  • What is Blackie's real name?
  • What was that story about how Blackie discovered Chris Holmes?
  • What are some of their outrageous stage antics they used to pull?
  • What's that song that they're playing over the ending credits of Videos In The Raw?
  • Why have the last three albums been released everywhere else six months to a year before the U.S. release?
  • What does F.D.G. stand for?
  • What does B.A.D. stand for?
  • What does L.O.V.E. Machine stand for?
  • What is he talking about at the end of On Your Knees when he says "What in the fuck was that"
  • Did Chris Holmes really get married to Lita Ford?
  • What ever happened to the solo album Blackie was talking of recording?

    If you've got any other good bizzare facts or other generally useful information about the band, e-mail me.

    Tidbits, Trivia, and Rumors:

    Thanks to fellow WASP fans for their input on this FAQ and the Discography. I couldn't do this without you!

    Derek Anderson from S.A.V.A.G.E.
    Bill Mittler from S.A.V.A.G.E.
    John Bonner (jbonner@mosquito.com)
    Jean-Claude Jaeger (Jean-Claude.Jaeger@scinfo.u-nancy.fr)
    Joseph Anthony Yosick (yosick@cae.wisc.edu)
    Johnny Petterson (johnny.pettersson@mn.medstroms.se)

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    e-mail HunterMc@execpc.com